The project “The Sound of Indigenous’ Heart” is a performative proposal that gathers different artistic languages (theater, dance, graffiti, painting, and music) aiming to promote a rereading from the director Peter Serge Butko perspective.
The initiative came in 2018 during the tour “Birds in the House” in which the director with the show cast made immersion in the local culture of the cities Vila Velha and Vitória in Espírito Santo state, Brazil.
At the first moment, they knew Barra do Jucu, an area marked by Congo culture, by the contact with nature and proximity to the locals. In Sequence, they were introduced to two communities in the outskirts of Vitória city. The first contact with the local culture was mediated, in Barra do Jucu, by Maria Goretti Medici Medici, and in the outskirts by the actress Merielle Goltara. Allowing the cast to know the potentialities from each area, resulting the outbreak of the project “The Sound of Indigenous’ Heart”, performative action resulting by the knowledge acquired during the stay in Brazil.
Congo was chosen as a central element for the accomplishment of this spectacle because it is one of the most important cultural manifestations of Espírito Santo.
The presence of an indigenous figure in this project is due to the fact, according to some historians and folklorists, congo has its roots in the indigenous culture with the INDIGENOUS BANDS and gradually elements of the African and European culture were introduced. Currently, congo is considered as a syncretism of these cultures.
Dance is movement and movement is life. The movement without words is like a universal language. With it, we can say more than words. Puppets will come to life in the actors’ hands acting the congo trajectory since the indigenous band era up to our days.
Electronic music is a contemporary era symbol, however, its inspiration comes from old rhythms. In our project, we will gather electronic music live (DJ) with the congo musicality from alive congo.
Graffiti is a genre of art irreverent that allows the artists to overcome in a short period of time. Three distinctive graffiti artists from the favela will create live scenography with their drawings during the presentations on stage.
The project will also allow three youngsters to experience recording all the spectacle development. They will receive some basic guidance on how to use the equipment, but they will have the freedom to record on their way. The intention is to know, how will be the view of these youngsters about the spectacle.
By promoting the interaction between communities with different lifestyles through the art, the project will promote the artistic identity, will evolve the citizenship of these communities valuing its culture, and will allow free access to these cultural goods once the performances will take place in open and free areas, thus the target audience will be people from all groups and ages.